Introduction and history of the Immunology History of immunology Immunology is a...
Medical Articles & News
Introduction and history of the Immunology History of immunology Immunology is a...
Diabetes Mellitus What Sample for Glucose Estimation is needed? This test can...
Diabetes Mellitus Diagnostic Criteria What are the Diabetes Mellitus diagnostic criteria? Any...
Summary of Tumor markers Tumor markers are summarised: Tumor marker Tumor diagnosis...
Lugol’s Iodine Solution Lugol’s iodine is mainly used in the wet preparation...
AARP has given the guidelines for the seniors. Also, they have discussed...
Coronavirus was declared a pan-endemic by the CDC. This is called novel...
Urine 24-hours Please provide the following written instructions to the patient for...
Plasma and Red Blood Cells Contents Difference Contents Plasma Red Blood Cells...
Pericardial fluid Analysis Sample for Pericardial Fluid Analysis Pericardial fluid is aspirated...
Blood Transfusion Reactions Definition of the blood transfusion reaction: Most of the...
Thyroxine-binding prealbumin (TBPA) What sample is needed Sample for Thyroxine-Binding Prealbumin (TBPA)...