Neuroblastoma What sample is needed for Neuroblastoma diagnosis? A 24-hour urine sample...
Lab tests include all various clinical diagnostic laboratory work-up of the patients.
Neuroblastoma What sample is needed for Neuroblastoma diagnosis? A 24-hour urine sample...
Pancreatic Functions What sample is needed for Pancreas functions? The serum of...
Panel of Tests for Various Diseases Following is the list of various...
Common Parasites Pictures What sample is needed to find common parasites? Preferably,...
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) What sample is needed for the Parathyroid hormone (PTH)?...
Phosphorus (P) What sample is needed for Phosphorus (P)? This test is...
Plasma and Red Blood Cells Contents Difference Contents Plasma Red Blood Cells...
Plasma Renin What sample is needed for Plasma Renin? The patient’s venous...
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) What sample is needed for Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Purpura...
Platelets Count What sample is needed for Platelets Count? This can be...
Platelet Indices This is the automated calculation of the platelets indices, which...
Polycythemia rubra vera is a malignant condition, secondary polycythemia