Microalbuminuria What sample is needed for Microalbuminuria? The sample is urine. It...
Lab tests include all various clinical diagnostic laboratory work-up of the patients.
Microalbuminuria What sample is needed for Microalbuminuria? The sample is urine. It...
Monoclonal Immunoglobulin (Ig) What sample is needed for Monoclonal Immunoglobulin (Ig)? IFE...
Mycetoma What sample is needed for mycetoma? Get a sample from the...
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB) What sample is needed for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis?...
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis What sample is needed for the Mantoux test? This test...
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (AFB) Culture What sample is needed for the AFB culture...
AFB Stain (Acid Fast Bacilli stain) What sample is needed for AFB...
Gelification test for Tuberculosis What sample is needed for Mycobacterium tuberculosis diagnosis?...
Pathozyme Tuberculosis test (ELISA) Sample for Pathozyme Tuberculosis test (ELISA) This test...
Tuberculosis Test by ICT Sample for Tuberculosis Test by ICT This is...
Neisseria Gonorrhoea What sample is needed for the diagnosis of Neisseria Gonorrhoea?...
Neonatal Jaundice What sample is needed for Neonatal Jaundice? Can get blood...