Pancreatic Functions What sample is needed for Pancreas functions? The serum of...
Chemical pathology (clinical biochemistry) involves the biochemical investigation of bodily fluids such as blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid.
Pancreatic Functions What sample is needed for Pancreas functions? The serum of...
Panel of Tests for Various Diseases Following is the list of various...
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) What sample is needed for the Parathyroid hormone (PTH)?...
Phosphorus (P) What sample is needed for Phosphorus (P)? This test is...
Plasma Renin What sample is needed for Plasma Renin? The patient’s venous...
Porphyrias What sample is used to diagnose Porphyrias? Collect fresh urine. Random...
Prealbumin What sample is needed for Prealbumin? This is done on the...
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) What sample is needed for Beta-HCG? This is...
Beta-HCG Level Sample for Beta-HCG Level This test is done on the serum...
Progesterone Assay What sample is needed to estimate progesterone? This is done...
Prolactin (PRL) What sample is needed for the Prolactin (PRL) level? This...
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) What sample is needed to estimate Prostatic Acid...