Breakfast and its Important facts
There are various theories about the importance of breakfast.Some of the school of thoughts believes in good heavy breakfast.
Some believes that have breakfast like kings and have dinner like poor people.
I was working in TB hospital and our medical superintendent advised us on our first day to have good breakfast before coming to hospital.
His hypothesis was that morning breakfast improves immunity and protect from getting Tuberculosis.
Now there are conflicting reports for breakfast and one of the report is that desire to lose weight is one of the most frequently cited reasons for skipping breakfast. But many observational studies have found that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight.It is believed that people who skip breakfast missing calories in the morning , eat more at lunch or take more snakes all day.
DR. Krista Casazza, PhD, RD disagree and he believes that skipping breakfast does not influence the intake and calories.
Cornell University researchers in Physiology & Behavior in 2013 found that college students ate about 145 calories more at lunch when they skip breakfast.
But if we consider that their breakfasts averaged about 625 calories, skipping it still resulted in a savings of about 450 calories by day’s end, according to the study