Go Back to DictionaryAnions and cations Anions (Negatively charged) Chloride (Cl) It takes parts in: Acid-base balance It has a role in water balance It is part of the stomach acid Bicarbonate (HCO3) It has a role in acid-base balance It neutralizes stomach acid Phosphate (PO4) It takes part in acid-base balance It takes part in bone and tooth formation. It has a role in protein metabolism It provides energy It is part of the cell membranes Cations (Positively charged) Sodium (Na) It takes part in nerve conduction It is important for the muscles contraction It is important for acid-base balance Potassium (K) It takes part in nerve conduction It is important for the muscles contraction It is important for acid-base balance Magnesium (Mg) It takes part in nerve conduction It is important for the muscles contraction It takes part in the bone and tooth growth It helps in enzyme activation It takes part in protein metabolism Calcium (Ca) It takes part in nerve conduction It is important for the muscles contraction It takes part in the blood clotting mechanism It takes part in the bone and tooth growth It also helps in the heart muscle conduction/contraction Ammonia (NH3) It takes part in acid-base balance It is produced by the protein metabolism