Broccoli Benefits
Broccoli Benefits
Broccoli is called the king of the crucifers (in the mustard family; this word comes from Latin).
What are the main benefits of Broccoli?
- Protects against heart diseases.
- It will boost your immunity.
- Fight against the cancers.
Broccoli benefits
What are the important ingredients in Broccoli?
Most people advise broccoli to prevent cancers. Its power to fight cancer is due to two compounds in it, and these are:
- Indol-3-carbinol.
- Sulforaphane.
- These substances counteract the agents that may lead to cancer and don’t give them time to harm the body.
- Indol-3-carbinol is particularly effective against breast cancer.
- It can lower the harmful level of estrogen hormone, which can promote tumor growth in hormone-sensitive cells, like breast epithelial cells.
- Sulforaphane offers defense by boosting the production of cancer-blocking enzymes.
- It is an oxidant that prevents the cell’s damage.
- Sulforaphane’s role has been tested in experimental animals. The results prove its role in the animal group that was given It.
- Glucoraphanin.
- Flavonoids.
- The antioxidant’s role is very important in preventing damage to the cells.
- Some researchers consider broccoli a nutritional superstar.
- Broccoli, along with other crucifers, prevents cancers of the colon, breast, and prostate glands.
How to take Broccoli?
- Broccoli also contains other nutrients that help to prevent heart disease and osteoporosis.
- 1/2 cup of chopped cooked broccoli contains 100% of the daily value for vitamin C. This antioxidant is proven to boost immunity.
- It also contains calcium 72 mg per cooked cup of broccoli. This is the best source for women.
- Broccoli is also rich in folates necessary for normal tissue growth.
- Folates also protect against cancers, heart disease, and birth defects.
- Broccoli, half a cup, contains 2 grams of fiber, which is proven to prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancers, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and heart disease.
Summary of Broccoli benefits:
- Nutrient value.
- Antioxidants.
- Anti-cancer.
- Boost immunity.
- Improve heart health.
- Good source of fibers.