Breast Cancer early detection
Early detection of the breast cancer is the main stay in the management of the disease.
When breast cancer is diagnosed in the early stage then you can cure the disease.
Latest criteria to diagnose breast cancer depends early work up the women.
There is three part action plan for the early diagnosis of the breast cancer :
1. Mammogram :
- This is the most important action for regular mammograms.
- Mammogram X Rays are quick, easy,and safe.
- Mammograms use radiation less than the radiation of dentist X-Ray.
- Mammograms can diagnose a tumor much smaller which is not palpable by the doctor.
- Mammograms can be started by the age of 40 years.
- Most of the tumors occurs in females 50 years are older.
2. Breast examination :
- Breast examination should be started from 20 years of age. This will be part of their health check which can be done every three years.
- After the age of 40 years then every years breast exam is needed.
- Breast exam may be :
- BY self examination.
- By the doctor.
3. Breast change awareness:
- Keep on doing self exam. most likely see the breast in front of mirror , any change in the contour.
- Also keep on palpating the breast and report to the doctor if there id any change.
Recommendation for the females over the age of 40 years :
- Yearly mammogram should be advised.
- Breast examination should be part of medical check up.
- Whenever you find any change in the breast, must be reported to the doctor.
(Recommendation by the American caner society)