Dr. Riaz Bhutta
In 1982 Dr. Riaz Ahmad Bhutta joined Nishtar Medical College Multan Pakistan and started his career as a teacher in the field of pathology and retired as professor of pathology. He is the author of a book on Elementary Immunology.
Dr. Asad Ahmad is a young pathologist assisting on www.labpedia.net
Shahab Medical Center was established in 1967 by Prof. Dr. Sardar Ahmed (Late) who was the first professor of radiology at Nishtar Medical College Multan. Dr. Sardar supervised the Radiology unit and Dr. Ghulam Moinuddin became the in charge of Laboratory unit of Shahab Medical Center. Later Dr. Ghulam Moinuddin joined the army.
In 1982 Dr. Riaz Ahmad Bhutta and Dr.Abrar Ahmed Javed took over the Laboratory and Radiology units respectively.
After the retirement, Dr. Riaz Bhutta started to work on the website labpedia.net.
Dr.Riaz Ahmad Bhutta was joined by Dr. Asad Ahmad M.D to upgrade Labpedia.net.
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